About the Exhibit
Every April, Catholic University seniors majoring in Studio Art present their thesis project in a public art exhibition at the Salve Regina gallery. Each student's thesis takes shape at the start of their senior year in the fall. Under the guidance of the Art Department's faculty, students propose and develop a project unique to their interests and skills.
The class of 2020 employed a broad range of methods and media in their projects, highlighting the Art Department's interdisciplinary approach to art making. Due to the current need for social distancing in light of the COVID-19 outbreak, the students' artworks are now being presented here in an online viewing experience.
Although the students did not intend to have their work experienced in this way, this format offers an opportunity for our Catholic University seniors to have their voices as artists heard by a much wider, more global audience.
Breny Recinos - "ASBE"

Olivia Rader - "Off Beat"

Katherine Michaud - "See Me"

Marcus Perkins - Victoria and the Wolf