Please refer to your department's own policies in addition to these school wide policies.

Academic Status

  • Academic Probation and Academic Warning:

    Since a 2.0 cumulative average is required for all Catholic University degrees, a student who falls below 2.0 is not making satisfactory progress.

    With the single exception noted in the next paragraph, a student whose cumulative average is less than 2.0 is automatically on academic probation. (The Dean's office sends letters to students on probation, but it is the grade average, not the letter, that places the student on probation.)

    Second-semester freshmen whose average is below 2.0 are designated on "academic warning" rather than probation. "Academic warning" status is for one semester only. Academic warning is equivalent to academic probation and carries the same restrictions, EXCEPT a student on "academic warning" may participate in only ONE of the following: intercollegiate athletics, a school production, elective ensemble, OR a crew.  A student on academic warning is not eligible to stage manage or assistant stage manage that semester.

    While on academic probation, a student must reduce their typical academic load by three credits (12 credits for degrees with a typical load of 15; and 18 credits for degrees with a typical load of 21) and may not participate in extra-curricular activities such as student government, intercollegiate athletics, elective ensemble, production involvement, or crew.  These restrictions do not apply to major ensemble participation if it is a curricular requirement every semester. Students in their senior year may appeal the crew restriction to the Associate Dean of Undergraduate Studies.

    As soon as the cumulative average rises above 2.0, the student is no longer on academic probation. (Student should note that transfer courses do not figure into Catholic University cumulative GPA.)

  • Academic Good Standing / Athletic and Extracurricular Eligibility:

    A student on academic probation is not in academic good standing for purposes of athletic and extracurricular eligibility. A student on academic warning remains in good standing during that one semester. For full information concerning good standing and academic warning, see

  • Dismissal

    Any of the following is grounds for academic dismissal:

    1. Failure to gain a 2.0 cumulative grade-point average after two semesters on academic probation and/or academic warning.
    2. Failure in three credit-bearing courses in any given semester.
    3. At the end of any academic year, a cumulative grade point average (for all semesters) below 1.5.
    4. Failure to gain acceptance into a major program after the fourth semester of full-time college work (or after the semester in which the student completes his/her seventeenth course).
    5. The University reserves the right to review the record of a student at any time for the purpose of determining whether a student meets the standards necessary for graduation. If, in the opinion of the University, this review reveals serious shortcomings, the student may be dismissed.
  • Readmission After Dismissal

    Requests for readmission following academic dismissal or lapse of continuous enrollment:

    Students requesting reinstatement following academic dismissal must submit the Readmission Application, available on the Catholic University Admission website. The student must write an essay and give a rationale for seeking to return. The application must be accompanied by official transcripts of all college-level coursework undertaken since leaving Catholic University. Appropriate supporting materials may be included as well. Completed applications for re-admission must be received by:

    • August 1st for Fall enrollment
    • December 1st for Spring enrollment

    The same procedure applies to students who have "dropped out" by not maintaining continuous enrollment at Catholic University.

  • Incompletes (from the CUA Announcements)

    The provisional grade of Incomplete may be given only to a student who has not completed the requirements of a course for legitimate and documented reasons, provided the work thus far completed in the course was of passing quality. The grade of Incomplete may not be given to one who has simply failed to meet the academic requirements of the course on time. Grades of Incomplete must be submitted to the respective team for approval and entry into Cardinal Station.

    Incomplete grades must be removed before midsemester of the succeeding term whether or not the student continues in residence. If the incomplete is not removed by the midsemester, the incomplete will be recorded as a grade of F (failure).

    Under extraordinary circumstances, but before the date of the mid semester following the report incomplete, a student may petition the instructor of the course and the academic Dean of the school in which the student is enrolled for an extension of the normally allowed for removal of the incomplete.

    The request form can be obtained by students and faculty by clicking here (you must be logged into your CUA Google account).

  • Requests for modification of probation restrictions:

    To request modification of enrollment limits imposed by academic probation, a student writes to the Associate Dean of Undergraduate Studies including a rationale for the request and any appropriate supporting materials. Requests must be received far enough in advance to allow for due consideration.

  • Dean's List

    The Dean's List honors academic achievement following each fall and spring semester. An undergraduate student who is matriculated in a degree program within the School of Music, Drama, & Art and who completes the semester with a minimum of 15 credit hours with no incomplete, repeated, pass-fail, or failed course, and earns a grade point average of 3.75, will be named to the Dean's List.