Anthony Graf, Catholic '26, is a Musical Theatre major from San Diego, CA. He shares why he chose to attend Catholic University, and what advice he has for prospective students.
Why did you choose to attend Catholic University and the Rome School of Music, Drama, and Art?
"Catholic University’s program boasted a rigorous and serious curriculum with plenty of performance opportunities, as well as being intimate enough to offer personal help and attention from the staff. On top of DC being a theatrical hub and the university offering many opportunities to support my faith life, Catholic was an easy choice."
Why did you choose to study music, drama, and art?
"Music and drama have always had a prominent role in my life, especially through my family, many of whom are musicians. I felt a calling to continue telling stories and creating beauty in an ever tumultuous world."
What's been your favorite part of being a student at Catholic University?
"The community here at Catholic has impressed me the most. I’ve been able to meet tons of different people in and out of my major who have come here for a multitude of reasons. The university provides constant opportunities to meet new people, creating a community that stretches beyond the limits of majors and schools."
What advice would you give to prospective students?
"I know for me it was tempting to look solely at the major program offered at each school I was looking at. While the quality of the program is still extremely important, the overall university experience is equally, if not more, important. Making sure the place you call a new home is somewhere you feel comfortable is not something to be overlooked."