It is important to consider studying abroad as early as possible because some programs have strict language requirements that you must fulfill prior to going abroad. Think about where you might like to go: Europe, Asia, South America, Africa, Australia.

How long do you want to be abroad? Catholic University offers year, semester, and summer programs and even trips over spring break. One of the most important things to figure out is when you can go. For Art History majors, it is usually best to study abroad in spring of sophomore year or fall of junior year. Art and Design majors should work with their advisor in determining the optimal time to go abroad; often it is in the spring of junior year.

Catholic University has two flagship programs: CUA Rome in Italy and CUA Oxford in England. These are both great programs, but you are not restricted to them. Catholic University has a strong relationship with IES Abroad and CIEE Study Abroad, which both offer programs all over the world. There is also a study abroad fair each year where different companies come to tell you about their exciting programs. If you decide to choose a non-Catholic University program, you must receive approval from CUAbroad and your academic advisor.

The World is Your Classroom

At Catholic University, students in every major can study abroad.